Have you ever heard of the name “balm’ ?
Well, it refers to a weight loss drink that gets rid of extra fluid and fat from the body. But, that is not its only feature. It also improves vision and enhances memory and hearing as well.
This Powerful Fat Burning Recipe Will Rid You Of That Drooping Belly in a Week
Source: chicsbeauty.com

We know you are now wondering what this “balm” consists of. Well, for one thing, it is made of unpeeled lemon, honey and horseradish.
3 lemons ( put them into a container with water and vinegar)
125 g. horseradish
3 tablespoons of honey

Directions:The first thing you need to do is place the horseradish in a blender and mix it well.
Then, you should cut the lemons, take out the seeds, and add in the blender.
Mix everything again in the blender.
Next, add the honey, mix well, and put the mixture into a sealed jar.
Keep refrigerated.

Use:Take a teaspoon of this twice a day with your meals. Drink this for three weeks.
” I’ve lost 11 Pounds in my first week. It’s my 10th day and I have included salad with some protein (eg. egg/ lean chicken) as you suggested. After 4 years of trying, the fat is finally coming off. It truly feels like magic! – Vanessa B.
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  1. I cant get horseradish here in india.. what to do plz suggest

  2. I've been using this for two weeks. No change.

  3. How much vinegar? And how about diet, are you supposed to fast? You say on your 10th day you introduce salad and chicken!?

  4. How much vinegar? And are you supposed to fast? You say on your 10th day you introduced chicken and salad does that mean you didnt eat until the 10th day?
